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We are well equipped to provide a full range of general medical services, including the following:
We offer a comprehensive contraceptive service including Implant and IUCD fittings.
Travel Advice and Vaccinations
The Practice Nurses offer a travel advice and vaccination service. This is an initial telephone appointment to discuss time, date, place of travel and to check which vaccinations are required. This is followed by a face to face appointment to have the appropriate vaccinations if they are available (please note some vaccines may not be in stock) Please allow plenty of time before your travel date.
For more information about travel vaccinations available on the NHS please click here:
The first step is to register your maternity care by visiting the BSUH maternity website, please
click here
Once you have completed and submitted the form you are able to book your first Midwife appointment.
Social Prescribing Service
Social Prescribing is a (non-medical) service that aims to help people improve both their health and wellbeing. The service a broad range of people with differing social, emotional and practical needs, helping them access the right resources (e.g. groups, courses, activities, information, social connections, services, support etc.) to meet those needs
Please use the link below to the PCN website for further information:
Nail Cutting Service: AGE UK
Please click here for further information:
Children’s Health
All the Doctors carry out regular child developmental assessments in their own clinics and the Health Visitors also arrange regular assessments for infants. In addition, the Health Visitors are available to give advice on children’s health, and may be contacted by telephoning 01273 267598 on weekdays. Routine childhood immunisations are carried out by the practice nurses and recall letters are automatically sent when these are due. A booklet containing detailed information on childhood immunisations is available free to any parent whose child is registered with us.
Health checks are for all newly registered patients and those aged between 40-74 who have not attended the surgery for a health check in the last three years.
The Health Care Assistant will check your blood pressure, weight, height and enquire about any health needs. Please book an appointment with reception if you wish to have a health check.
All the clinicians are qualified to deal with women’s health issues during their routine surgeries. We also provide well woman checks run by the practice nurses which includes cervical smears. You will be sent a reminder when a cervical smear is due.
The cervical screening programme offers all women aged 25-49 a smear every three year and those aged 50-64 every five years. Women over this age require a smear test if they have not had a smear since the age of 50 or if previous abnormality. The Screening Department will write to you when your cervical screening is due, please do not book your appointment until you have received this letter or have been advised by a Doctor to do so. The smear test is usually taken by a Practice Nurse.
For women between the ages of 50 and 70, three yearly invitations are issued for mammographic screening. If you have a family history of breast cancer in a first or second degree relative, please discuss this with your Doctor as you may be eligible for extra screening.
We are well equipped for a wide range of minor operations, including those requiring electrocautery or cryotherapy. In addition we are able to offer therapeutic joint and soft tissue injections and aspirations when necessary.
The Practice Nurses have specialist training in the management of respiratory and chest conditions (asthma & COPD) , diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke. It is important for long term care that patients should attend at least once a year for monitoring. Please make an appointment when your review is due, you do not need to wait for an invitation.
Home Nursing
People confined to their homes who need nursing care should arrange with their Doctor for the Community Nurse to call. If nursing care at home is required, following discharge from hospital, this will normally be arranged by the hospital staff.
Other Services
We also offer advice to help you stop smoking, please contact reception to book a smoking cessation appointment with the Healthcare Assistant.
If you are a registered patient suffering from substance misuse we offer access to facilities to help your rehabilitation.
The Practice offers advice and education to young people regarding sexual health in complete confidentiality as with all our services.