Beaconsfield Medical Practice

175 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6AG

Telephone: 01273 552212

Sorry, we're closed



Please be advised that the surgery email will close 31st December 2023. To submit a request for medication please use one of the following methods:

***Please note email requests received after this date will not be actioned***


We are unable to accept prescriptions requests by phone.

Repeat prescription requests which are within the clinical review date will be processed and issued within 3 working days.


Your prescription will usually be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. Please ensure you have informed the practice which pharmacy you would like your prescription sent to.

Prescription Queries

If you have a query regarding your prescription or need to discuss your medication please call the practice on 01273 552212 and the reception team will direct your query appropriately.

Some requests will be passed to a GP for decision on issue, this may occur if:

  • You request medication which is NOT on your repeat list
  • Your repeat medication has not been reviewed recently by a doctor and needs monitoring
  • You are requesting medication too early (without a clear reason)
  • There are discrepancies in the medication information we have e.g. from hospital letters etc

Please ensure that we have an up to date contact telephone number to enable us to contact you with any questions regarding your request.



Did you know you can register for our online services?

If you would like to manage your appointments and prescription requests via this system please complete an online services form, you are also required to show ID.

Please see the Patient Info tab on the homepage and select online services for further information.

How Do I Request A Repeat Prescription?

Via SystmOne online

If you are registered for SystmOne online services please use the link at the top of the page to request your repeat prescriptions.

You will only be able to use this if you have collected a username and password from the practice, please ask a member of staff for details.