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Dear Patient,
The Beaconsfield Patient Group meets every four months, usually during a lunchtime, to support developments and bring new ideas to the Practice. Members are not committed to attend every meeting so if you would like to be involved you can give as much or as little time to the group as you wish. If you cannot make it to the surgery we welcome you to take part as a ‘virtual member’ via email, whereby you will still receive the agendas, minutes and other information in relation to the meetings and other events being held by the group.
Our aim is to make the group as representative of our practice population as possible
We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.
If you would like to join our patient group please contact the surgery; or call 01273 552212 – (preferably after 11am).
Terms of Reference – PPG terms
In line with GDPR we offer PPG members the option to opt-out of receiving communications at any time. If you wish to opt-out please use PPG – Opt-Out to access the form. Once completed return the form to the surgery or via the email address above. (New members from May 2018 will be asked to provide consent at the time of joining the group).
Annual Practice Survey
The Practice carries out an annual survey each year which we post on the website around January for patients to complete along with the results/actions once the survey closes.