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If you have received a text message from us inviting you to take part in this research please contact the researcher Tracy Whittle on 07533 867972 or email
We know very little about the care experiences of people aged 18-24 years living with several long-term health conditions. This research project wants to explore how young people’s experiences of health and social care services and the close people in their lives support them to make the adaptions to live well. The findings may inform the future planning and delivery of health and social care services for younger people living with multiple long-term conditions
This research will be carried out by the University of Brighton and will work with three GP practices in Brighton.
The GP practices will identify people on their patient database who meet the research criteria. The practices will then contact them to get their permission to send a text with further information.
The study would like to recruit around 30 people who will be asked to take part in two telephone interviews about their experiences of their health journey. They will be given a £20 Amazon e voucher for the contribution of their time in taking part.
The information that people share will be confidential to the research team and in the final report, the data will be anonymised so individuals cannot be identified.
Who can take part?
People will be invited to take part in this study if they are:
Information for participants
Participant Information Sheet. This sheet outlines what the study is about, what is going to happen and how the information you give will be used.
List of helpful organisations. This sheet contains a list of organisations for young people to contact for help and support- HYPERLINK TO PAGE ON PRACTICE WEBSITE
The NHS Research Ethics Committee has approved this research
Who is carrying out this research?
Hey, I’m Tracy Whittle and I’m a postgraduate researcher at the University of Brighton who has been funded to carry out this research project. I have had a varied career. Here are examples of some of the work I’ve been involved in, from raising awareness of young carers (those who care for family members) …… A day in the life of Eddie
…… and the benefits to residents, staff and young people of Volunteering in Care Homes
For more information and to get in touch:
Contact: Tracy Whittle, or text/phone mobile: 07533 867972
The South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. It awards several studentships annually to social scientists carrying out PhD studies, (and Masters + PhD studies) at its three partner institutions which are the Universities of Brighton, Portsmouth and Southampton.
“Living well with multiple LTCs? Young people’s care experiences”, is a 3-year PhD research project funded until the end of September 2022 (grant reference number ES/P000673/1)