Beaconsfield Medical Practice

175 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6AG

Telephone: 01273 552212

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Appointment Booking Changes

Posted on February 18th, 2025

Our appointment booking system will be changing as of 4th March. We will be using a new online booking system, SystmConnect.

Please use SystmConnect to request all GP appointments and other clinical or administrative requests.

The Reception team are available to offer support for any patient unable to use this online function, but we ask that wherever possible the online SystmConnect is used.

The online e-Consult request system be no longer be available after 3pm on Monday the 3rd of March.

As we change over to this new system we kindly ask that you reserve all non-urgent queries until after 4th March.

Nurse appointments will continue to be booked via telephone.