Beaconsfield Medical Practice

175 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6AG

Telephone: 01273 552212

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Named GP

As of April 2015, under NHS GP contract, practices were required to allocate a named, accountable GP to all patients (including children). This follows on from changes in 2014 when all patients aged 75 and over were to be provided with a named GP.

  • This does not mean that the named GP has 24hr responsibility
  • This does not mean that the named GP will be the only clinician who will provide care to that patient.
  • This does not affect your right to see any GP of your choice.

It might not always be possible for patients to see their named GP on the day, although we try to make this happen. Our GPs all have access to and share medical records.

Informing patients of their ‘named GP’

  • If you have a repeat prescription your ‘named GP’ will be the GP whose name is on the prescription.
  • All new patients registering with the practice will be advised of their ‘named GP’ on registration.

The practice uses various methods of communication to advise its patients of who their ‘named GP’ is.

You may also ask for this information at Reception when visiting the practice.


As of April 2014 all patients over 75 were required to have a named, accountable GP who will have overall responsibility for the care and support that Beaconsfield Medical Practice provides them.  Most patients are already aware of their ‘named GP’, if you are unsure please ask a member of staff.  If your ‘named GP’  is not the GP you usually prefer to see, this is not a problem, you may continue to see the GP of your choice.