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Our appointment booking system will be changing as of 4th March. We will be using a new online booking system, SystmConnect.
SystmConnect Direct Booking Link
Please use SystmConnect to request all GP appointments and other clinical or administrative requests.
The Reception team are available to offer support for any patient unable to use this online function, but we ask that wherever possible the online SystmConnect is used.
Nurse appointments will continue to be booked via telephone.
Longer Appointments
Routine GP appointments are 10 minutes but if you feel you need a longer appointment, please tell the receptionist when booking, so that you can be allocated the time necessary.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
You may be offered an appointment with our Advanced Nurse Practitioner. You may be seen by the ANP for the following:
Privacy Slips
The practice always welcomes feedback from patients and where we can make changes, we always will. We have therefore decided to introduce ‘privacy slips’ for patient use. Some patients who are visiting the practice in person may feel uncomfortable having to verbally share their details with the receptionist in the waiting area.
The privacy slips allows patients to write down a brief reason for why they need an appointment on a piece of paper. The receptionist uses this information to ensure the patient is receiving the proper level of care and is booked in with the appropriate clinician, whether it is a nurse or doctor. This also helps the practice utilise appointments correctly, especially when there is a high demand for appointments.
Once the receptionist has read the privacy slip and it has been dealt with, it is immediately disposed of in the locked confidential waste bin for later shredding or returned to the patient if requested.
Patients can either fill out the slip in the reception area or print off a slip from the website (below) to complete at home before coming to the surgery. The slip asks for the patient’s name, date of birth, address and includes a space for the patient to write a comment.
The practice has trained chaperones. Please ask at reception if you would like a chaperone to accompany you during your consultation.
Access to the surgery during these times is for patients with appointments only. If you require medical advice when the practice is closed you should contact the out of hours service on 111 as usual or if it is a medical emergency 999.
More appointments available on a weekend and late evenings:
We are able to offer pre-booked appointments every weekend Sat & Sun and weeknights Mon – Fri. If these appointment times are more convenient, please let our reception team know and they can arrange for you to be seen by a doctor during these times. Nurse appointments are also available during the weekend clinics.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many ailments and you may be seen more quickly.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Disabled Access
There is full access for disabled patients at our surgery. This includes disabled toilets on each floor and a disabled access lift.
Please note we have a wheelchair available for use within the surgery. Please enquire at reception.
Interpreting and Translating Service
We have access to interpreters for people who are unable to speak English. If you require an interpreter, please inform the receptionist when booking your appointment.